Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My itinerary, written on toilet paper, got wet. So changes had to be made. It rained through most of the day. Even the best laid plans…

It was a day full of hills and curves, with even more planned for tomorrow. Miata sighed contentedly when I gently shut her down this evening. I did the same. This is type of road for which the Miata was designed. So I am getting to see her at her best.  And Florida has precious few of these roads, to my knowledge. Since Florida will be her home it’s good we re both getting a taste of these roads now.

Distant vistas were non-existent today. Sometimes fog slowed me down to a crawl. Bright blue, sunny skies are great for cheerful autumn shots. But photographers know that for deep, saturated colors, overcast skies and wet leaves often make for more beautiful shots with great mood.
Overlook. I'm supposed to be able to see West Virginia. Nope.

I ended the day after traveling the entire length of Skyline Drive. It is essentially the Blue Ridge Parkway as it passes through Shenandoah National Park for about 70 miles. The speed limit was 35 mph and much of the time I was going less than that because of the rain and fog.

I am hoping for a break in the weather that will allow me to see some of those mountain vistas as I travel the first part of the actual Blue Ridge tomorrow. I have plans to make 300 miles. Hopefully that is not too optimistic. I have a reservation in Blowing Rock, NC so that is my goal.

So, why do they call these the Smoky Mountains?
Hopelessly lost, but making great time.

1 comment:

  1. You do manage to get great wildlife shots -- always impresses me; I feel lucky just to see the creature, let alone stop, get out the camera, focus, get the shot -- but they all seem to pose for you. I know that's not true -- just how easy you make it look.
